2022Yau Science Awards
全球总决赛奖项 8位
全球铜奖 3位
全球优胜奖 5位
全球总决赛入围 12位
半决赛奖项 32位
一等奖 12位
二等奖 18位
2022 丘奖数学奖(金奖) |
参赛学生:吴虹舟 指导老师:Alpha Liu 论文题目:Crystals arising from the representations of quantum groups in the Gelfand-Tsetlin basis |
2022 丘奖数学奖(银奖) |
学校:Lakeside School (MIT PRIMES)
参赛学生:Edward Yu 指导老师:Nitya Mani 论文题目:A Turán-Type Problem in Mixed Graphs |
参赛学生:任天意 指导老师:董睿 论文题目:Realization of virus universe with applications |
2022 丘奖数学奖(铜奖) |
学校:Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School
参赛学生:CHEUNG Bock Man, CHAN Hiu Long 指导老师:LEE Wing Yan 论文题目:On The Coprime Product Series and Its Divergence and Bounds |
参赛学生:Darren Li 指导老师:Yves Gallot、宛杰 论文题目:An Efficient Modular Exponentiation Proof Scheme |
2022 丘奖数学奖(优胜奖) |
学校:Pui Ching Middle School
参赛学生:KO Siu Ting, WONG Yin Cheung, YUNG Samantha 指导老师:FAN Yan Lam 论文题目:Investigation on variables separating polynomials |
参赛学生:张泰毓 指导老师:王竑 论文题目:Constructing unextendible product bases from multiqubit ones |
参赛学生:Aine Zhang 指导老师:李冕、廖辉 论文题目:Swimming and steering of artificial microswimmer in viscous fluid |
参赛学生:谢责成、陈佳成 指导老师:杨标桂、胡守庭 论文题目:光滑和非光滑区域的Hamilton等周量的极小化元研究 |
参赛学生:张晟宁 指导老师:黄彩英 论文题目:On the Elementary Proof of the Inverse Erd"{o}s-Heilbronn Problem |
2021 丘奖数学奖(金奖) |
学校: 上海中学国际部 参赛学生:Max Liu 指导老师:左怀青 论文下载地址:On the sharp upper estimates of lattice points: Yau Geometric Conjecture |
2021 丘奖数学奖(银奖) |
学校: Hwa Chong Institution 参赛学生:Zhou Kangyun 指导老师:Chenglong Yu 论文下载地址:Padé approximations in Diophantine Approximations and Irrationality Problems about Confluent Hypergeometric Functions |
2021 丘奖数学奖(铜奖) |
学校:北京师范大学附属实验中学 参赛学生:张晟宁 指导老师:黄彩英 论文下载地址:On Higher Dimensional Orchard Visibility Problem |
学校:上海中学国际部 参赛学生:Cheng Qin 指导老师:宋雷 论文下载地址:Fourth Moments and Larsen's Alternative |
学校:华南师范大学附属中学 参赛学生:刘子灏 指导老师:桂鹏 论文下载地址:A Direct Proof of the Prime Number Theorem using Riemann's Prime-counting Function |
2021 丘奖数学奖(优胜奖) |
指导老师:朱浩楠 论文下载地址:三孩政策对我国未来人口的影响分析及对应措施研究 |
学校:Keystone Academy
参赛学生:张亦夫 指导老师:Noah Aydin 论文下载地址:A Study of Error Correcting Code using Impartial Games |
参赛学生:林丰诚 指导老师:袁智斌 论文下载地址:Lower Bound of Bernoulli Percolation in the Critical Phase |
学校:NUS High School of Mathematics and Science
参赛学生:Alexander Goo Zong Han 指导老师:Chai Ming Huang |
参赛学生:William Yue,Isaac Zhu,Karthik Seetharaman 指导老师:Irving Dai 论文下载地址:Patterns in the Lattice Homology of Seifert Homology Spheres |
2019 丘奖数学奖(金奖) |
Choate Rosemary Hall 参赛学生:Ziyan Lei 指导教师:Shuliang Bai 论文下载地址:Ricci-flat 5-regular graphs |
2019 丘奖数学奖(银奖) |
北京师范大学附属实验中学 参赛学生:张文翰、郑子阳 指导教师:孙晓 论文下载地址:A Study on Möbius Function and Euler’s Totient of Order K |
2019 丘奖数学奖(铜奖) |
杭州外国语学校 参赛学生:章叔阳、潘越、陈君洋 指导教师:倪瑞祥、朱灵 论文下载地址:New Wilker-type Inequalities for Trigonometric Functions |
华东师范大学第二附属中学 参赛学生:倪丹 指导教师:戴中元 论文下载地址:Several problems about Function f(n)=Delta(n)/n |
Pui Ching Middle School, Hong Kong 参赛学生:YEUNG Man Tsung, YAO Hanying 指导教师:LEE Ho Fung 论文下载地址:Positioning of Air Pollutant Sources |
2019 丘奖数学奖(优胜奖) |
华南师范大学附属中学国际部 参赛学生:陈兆君 指导教师:郝保国 论文下载地址:Ricci-Flat Graphs with Girth 4 |
福建省南平第一中学 参赛学生:郑子航、刘彦熙、赵锃 指导教师:包文涛 论文下载地址:Research on the fixed-length envelope of the curve |
Shanghai Foreign Language School 参赛学生:顾理 指导教师:陈文俊 论文下载地址:Analysis of the Heilbronn problem based on the convex body packing density |
Westminster School 参赛学生:Michelle Wu 指导教师:Steve Miller 论文下载地址:Biases in First and Second Moments of the Fourier Coefficients in One- and Two-Parameter Families of Elliptic Curves |
The Roxbury Latin School 参赛学生:Christopher Zhu 指导教师:Pakawut Jiradilok 论文下载地址:Enumerating Permutations and Rim Hooks Characterized by Double Descent Sets |
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