博通大师赛作为再生元国际与工程大赛 ISEF对应的学生版,竞争的激烈程度也是不相上下。今年有来自全美的300支学生团队,从千余支报名队伍中脱颖而出,成为2022博通大师赛Top300!
2022博通大师赛 Top300揭晓!
Tanishka Balaji Aglave (#), Grade: 7th
School: Williams Middle Magnet School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Hillsborough Regional Science Fair (USFL27)
Project Title: A Novel Nanotechnology-Based Approach for the Control of the Pestalotiopsis Disease Outbreak in Florida Strawberries
Thomas Aldous, Grade: 8th
School: Colfax K-8
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Pittsburgh Regional Science & Engineering Fair (USPA04)
Project Title: Remote Rescue Robot: Robotic Hand Controlled by Human Motion
Sahana Anamika, Grade: 8th
School: Juan Cabrillo Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: The Synopsys Outreach Foundation Alameda County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA09)
Project Title: T3 (Tattoo Touch Technology) – A Smart and Interactive IoT-Based Removable Tattoo That Relieves Anxiety
Bharath Anand, Grade: 8th
School: West Lafayette Junior/Senior High School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Hoosier Science and Engineering Fair Region 7 (USIN26)
Project Title: Can Nurture Emulate Nature? Evaluating the Impact of Design Choices on the Brain-Similarity of Artificial Neural Networks
James Jisung Ancheta, Grade: 7th
School: Iao Intermediate School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Maui County Regional Science and Engineering Fair (USHI03)
Project Title: Racing Asteroids – Calculating the Speed of (13125) Tobolsk
Cuinn Archer, Grade: 6th
School: Mancos Middle school
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: San Juan Basin Regional Science Fair (USCO02)
Project Title: Automatic Water
Judy Eliana Bai (#), Grade: 8th
School: Clague Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Science and Engineering Fair of Metropolitan Detroit (USMI02)
Project Title: Predicting Candidate Biomarkers for COVID-19 Associated With Leukemia in Children
Babiha Bakshi, Grade: 8th
School: Nysmith School for the Gifted and Talented
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Fairfax County Elementary and Middle School Science and Engineering Fair (USVA78)
Project Title: COVID Vision
Tate Baum, Grade: 6th
School: Edgemont Elementary
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Central Utah STEM Fair (USUT04)
Project Title: Throwing a Curve Like Kershaw
Mason Below, Grade: 8th
School: Ridgeview Charter Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Georgia State Science and Engineering Fair (USGA50)
Project Title: If We Can’t Beat It, Feed It!
Prapti Bhamare, Grade: 6th
School: Richard Hull Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Gwinnett Regional Fair (USGA11)
Project Title: The Deactivator
Aashrita Rajeswari Bhamidimarri, Grade: 8th
School: Enterprise Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Washington State Science and Engineering Fair
Project Title: Addressing a ‘Root’ Cause – One ‘Drop’ at a Time
Dhroov Bharatia, Grade: 8th
School: Wilson Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Beal Bank Dallas Regional Science and Engineering
Fair (USTX01)
Project Title: QuakeWake: AI to the Rescue
Niyati Bhaskar (#), Grade: 7th
School: Meridian Creek Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: CREST-Jane Goodall Science Symposium (USOR06)
Project Title: Grass-Fed Bioplastics
Yash Bhatt, Grade: 7th
School: Falcon Cove Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Broward Regional Science & Engineering Fair (USFL09)
Project Title: Utilizing Ferrofluid for the Removal of Tannins, Microplastics and Heavy Metals from H2O
Aadi Nishant Bhensdadia, Grade: 7th
School: Pine View School for the Gifted
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Sarasota County STEM Fair (USFL32)
Project Title: A Home-Based, Non-Invasive Device To Detect Hyperkalemia
Ava Tan Bhowmik (#), Grade: 8th
School: The Harker School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Synopsys Silicon Valley Science and Technology Championship Presented by the Santa Clara Valley Science and Engineering
Fair Association (USCA07)
Project Title: A Novel Low-Cost Portable Apparatus to Assess Face Mask and Instrument Cover Efficacy
Addison Binford, Grade: 8th
School: Peet Junior High School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Science Engineering Fair of Houston (USTX05)
Project Title: How Sweet It Is! Tea Tester
Ankit Biswas, Grade: 8th
School: Metrolina Regional Scholars Academy
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: North Carolina State Science Fair (USNC50)
Project Title: A Novel LP-Based Approach To Mitigating Launch Vehicle CO2 Emissions
Chanithu Sevhas Bodhipaksha, Grade: 7th
School: Whitford Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Beaverton-Hillsboro Science Expo (USOR04)
Project Title: Carbon Dioxide Direct Air Capture Machine
Winifred Mae Bodin, Grade: 8th
School: Benjamin Logan Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: State Science Day (Ohio) (USOH51)
Project Title: The Biological and Chemical Assessment of the Mad River Over Four Years
Nora Josephine Bolinger, Grade: 7th
School: Liberty Bell High School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Washington State Science and Engineering Fair
Project Title: Cell Deterioration in Spider Plant Roots
Sydney Claire Borst, Grade: 8th
School: Westside Middle School Academy
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Connecticut Science & Engineering Fair (USCT50)
Project Title: Model System Design for Technology-Assisted Insulin Regulation
Ethan Alexander Burgin, Grade: 8th
School: Centennial Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Central Utah STEM Fair (USUT04)
Project Title: Detoxification of Brine Shrimp From the Great Salt Lake
Marcella Lynn Calfee, Grade: 8th
School: Juan Cabrillo Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Synopsys Silicon Valley Science and Technology Championship Presented by the Santa Clara Valley Science and Engineering
Fair Association (USCA07)
Project Title: The Visual Vest
Maximus Callis, Grade: 7th
School: American Heritage School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Broward Regional Science & Engineering Fair (USFL09)
Project Title: The Effects of Different Carbon Fiber Composite Sandwich Cores on the Young’s Modulus and Specific Modulus of the Composite Sandwich Beam When It Is Tested Using a Three-Point Beam Test
Zoë J. Cappuccio, Grade: 7th
School: Jacoby Creek Elementary School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: California Science & Engineering Fair (USCA50)
Project Title: Cellulase Activity in Environmental Samples To Enhance Biofuel Production: Let’s Break It Down
Shri Chada, Grade: 7th
School: Home School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Science Engineering Fair of Houston (USTX05)
Project Title: Understanding Public Perceptions During the Pandemic Using Sentiment Analysis on COVID-19 Related Tweets
Annika Chadha, Grade: 7th
School: Noe Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Louisville Regional Science and Engineering Fair (USKY02)
Project Title: Building an Air Flow Sensor To Monitor Room Air Replacement for Safety Against COVID and Other Diseases
Ava M. Chadwick, Grade: 8th
School: Father Andrew White, SJ School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Prince George’s Area Science Fair (USMD05)
Project Title: Hitting Harder: Composite vs. Aluminum
Hannah Faith Chaix, Grade: 7th
School: Home School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: San Bernardino, Inyo, Mono, (SIM) Science and Engineering Fair (USCA13)
Project Title: Testing Potassium Carbonate as a Fire Retardant in House Paint
Lana Chan, Grade: 7th
School: Challenger School – Salt Lake
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: University of Utah Science and Engineering Fair (USUT05)
Project Title: Martian Bricks
Aman P. Chandra, Grade: 8th
School: Challenger School – Shawnee
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Synopsys Silicon Valley Science and Technology Championship Presented by the Santa Clara Valley Science and Engineering
Fair Association (USCA07)
Project Title: Smart Traffic Lights
Shreya Chandrasekar, Grade: 7th
School: Tierra Linda Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Golden Gate STEM Fair (USCA06)
Project Title: The Rise of the Idli Batter: Forays Into Fermentation
Ariana Chaudhary, Grade: 8th
School: Keystone School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Alamo Regional Science and Engineering Fair (USTX11)
Project Title: The Effects of Pulsating Electromagnetic Fields on Cuprizone and Ethanol-Treated Dugesia tigrina
Madison Checketts, Grade: 6th
School: Hidden Hollow Elementary
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Central Utah STEM Fair (USUT04)
Project Title: The Eco-Hero
Jasmine Chen, Grade: 8th
School: Birchwood School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: State Science Day (Ohio) (USOH51)
Project Title: Making Biodegradable Alternative to Plastic Bags
Jamie Cheng, Grade: 7th
School: Mills Park Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: North Carolina Central Region III Science Fair (USNC02)
Project Title: Establishing an In Vitro Cellular Model of Diabetes
Sahithi Cherukuri, Grade: 8th
School: Juan Cabrillo Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: The Synopsys Outreach Foundation Alameda County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA09)
Project Title: T3 (Tattoo Touch Technology) – A Smart and Interactive IoT-Based Removable Tattoo That Relieves Anxiety
Rowan Dushen Chetty (#), Grade: 8th
School: Tredyffrin-Easttown Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Delaware Valley Science Fairs (USPA03)
Project Title: Designing and Characterizing Biodegradable Starch Films
Jayden Cho, Grade: 6th
School: The Academy at Lincoln
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: North Carolina State Science Fair (USNC50)
Project Title: Don’t Throw Away Banana Peels – Replacement for Plastic
Ellie Li-Eng Chong, Grade: 7th
School: Highland Park Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Beal Bank Dallas Regional Science and Engineering
Fair (USTX01)
Project Title: In Vivo, Non-Invasive Method of Measuring Choroidal Thickness, a Potentially Critical Factor in Determining Blood Flow and Blindness
Prayrona Choudhury, Grade: 7th
School: Leona Marshall Libby Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Washington State Science and Engineering Fair
Project Title: AquaRover: A Vehicle for Surveying and Mapping of Aquatic Environments
Zoya Chowdhury, Grade: 8th
School: Giant City School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: IJAS State Expo (USIL51)
Project Title: Understanding the Role of Myosin II in Cell Division
Colin J. Chu (#), Grade: 8th
School: The Nueva School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: San Mateo County Office of Education STEM Fair (USCA16)
Project Title: Early Diagnosis of Liver Cancer by Identification of miRNA Biomarkers
Tessa Cuchelkar, Grade: 7th
School: Tierra Linda Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: San Mateo County Office of Education STEM Fair (USCA16)
Project Title: An Investigation Into the Attributes of Sunscreen Effectiveness
Arnav Dagar (#), Grade: 8th
School: Pacific Trails Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair (USCA05)
Project Title: Where’s Waldo – A Bayesian Approach for Localizing a LEGO Robot
Alyson Dai, Grade: 8th
School: Detroit Country Day School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Science and Engineering Fair of Metropolitan Detroit (USMI02)
Project Title: Biodegradable Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA): A Solution To Reduce Microplastics Pollution
Shaunak Dalal, Grade: 8th
School: Hershey Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Capital Area Science and Engineering Fair (USPA01)
Project Title: Effect Upon Closure Dynamics of the Application of Weak Acids to the Pulvinus of the Venus Fly Trap
Jeanelle Dao, Grade: 7th
School: Stratford Middle School – San Jose
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Synopsys Silicon Valley Science and Technology Championship Presented by the Santa Clara Valley Science and Engineering
Fair Association (USCA07)
Project Title: Controlling Doors Using Interface Technology With Steps for People With Hand Disabilities (CONDUITS)
William Davis, Grade: 6th
School: Fruit Cove Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: St. Johns County STEM Fair (USFL21)
Project Title: Wind Tunnel Measurements: How Rocket Nose Cone Shape Affects Drag Force
Olivia Della Penna, Grade: 6th
School: Forest Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Central Virginia Regional Science Fair (USVA05)
Project Title: Plastic Made From Milk? An Investigation Into the Usability of Milk-Plastic Spoons Versus Petroleum-Based Plastic Spoons
Tanvi Reddy Desai, Grade: 8th
School: A.D. Henderson University Lab School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Palm Beach Regional Science and Engineering Fair (USFL29)
Project Title: Quantitative Image Analysis of Ocean Acidification Effects on Argopecten irradians Shell Integrity
Aishwarya Deshpande, Grade: 8th
School: Loggers’ Run Community Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Palm Beach Regional Science and Engineering Fair (USFL29)
Project Title: Effect of the Enzyme Amylase on the Digestion of Carbohydrates
Mihika Misra Deshpande, Grade: 8th
School: John Horner Junior High School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: The Synopsys Outreach Foundation Alameda County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA09)
Project Title: Identifying Factors and Beliefs Correlated With Vaccine Hesitancy Using Machine Learning
Mythreya Dharani, Grade: 8th
School: Primoris Academy
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Bergen County Academy Science Challenge (USNJ79)
Project Title: Predicting the Ecotoxicity of Chemicals to Aquatic Species using Machine Learning Methods
Aashi Dixit (#), Grade: 8th
School: Stoller Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Beaverton-Hillsboro Science Expo (USOR04)
Project Title: Hookean Model for Differentiating Cancerous From Normal Cells
Saanvi Dogra, Grade: 8th
School: Oak Valley Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: California Science & Engineering Fair (USCA50)
Project Title: Structural, Sequence and Germline Comparison of SARS-COV-2 Antibodies Across Humans and Mice
Ivianna Helen Duquaine, Grade: 8th
School: Lincoln K-8 Choice School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Rochester Regional Science & Engineering Fair (USMN07)
Project Title: Is It Ripe Yet? Designing a Smart Circuit To Sort Produce
Kean Ebert, Grade: 7th
School: Home School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Science Engineering Fair of Houston (USTX05)
Project Title: Art Bots in Action, Effect of Body Height on Stability
Aidyn Eglington, Grade: 8th
School: Hilldale School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: San Mateo County Office of Education STEM Fair (USCA16)
Project Title: Dirty to Clean: The Effectiveness of Natural Soil Filters
Marco Alexander Chua (#), Grade: 7th
School: Saint Paul’s Catholic School-Riverside
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Northeast Florida Regional Science and Engineering Fair (USFL10)
Project Title: Wave Force Dissipation: Testing the Effectiveness of Geometric Shapes in Wave Breaking
Simon Chung, Grade: 8th
School: Sanford Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Seminole County Regional Science, Mathematics & Engineering Fair (USFL23)
Project Title: Wildfire Analytics: What Conditions Lead to the Most Damaging Wildfires?
Maxwell Cleveland, Grade: 8th
School: Ridgeview Charter Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Georgia State Science and Engineering Fair (USGA50)
Project Title: If We Can’t Beat It, Feed It!
Darius Bruce Cline, Grade: 8th
School: Mountain Ridge Junior High School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Central Utah STEM Fair (USUT04)
Project Title: Hidden Secrets of Silk
Marlayna Grace Cockshoot, Grade: 8th
School: North Scott Junior High School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: State Science and Technology Fair of Iowa (USIA50)
Project Title: Tonal Properties Among Different Types of Woods in Guitars
Elias Copeland, Grade: 7th
School: The ASK Academy
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Central New Mexico Regional Science and Engineering Challenge (USNM01)
Project Title: The Effect of pH on the Corrosion of Industrial Metals
Matthew Coward, Grade: 8th
School: Woodland School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: San Mateo County Office of Education STEM Fair (USCA16)
Project Title: How Can Biomimicry Lead to Improvements in Fan Blade Design?
Kaitlyn Zhu Fan, Grade: 8th
School: Rice Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Beal Bank Dallas Regional Science and Engineering
Fair (USTX01)
Project Title: AI Detective: A Machine Learning Approach To Diagnose and Categorize Alzheimer’s Disease
Mina Fedor, Grade: 8th
School: Black Pine Circle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: The Synopsys Outreach Foundation Alameda County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA09)
Project Title: EEG Theta During Self-Directed Versus Passive Spatial Memory Encoding and Retrieval
Kurukulasuriya Nishini Fernando (#), Grade: 8th
School: Paul Laurence Dunbar Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: State Science and Engineering Fair of Florida – Ying Scholars (USFL50)
Project Title: A Comprehensive Analysis: An Indication of the Impact of Microplastics on Plants and Soil in Terrestrial Ecosystems and Bacterial Degradation of Microplastics
Galvin Fitzgerald, Grade: 8th
School: Our Lady of Mount Carmel School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Tidewater Science and Engineering Fair (USVA09)
Project Title: Linear Magnetic Accelerators
Alicia Fu, Grade: 7th
School: Sutherland Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Virginia Piedmont Regional Science Fair (USVA02)
Project Title: Solutions for Food Browning
Serena Saumil Gandhi (#), Grade: 8th
School: Juan Cabrillo Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: The Synopsys Outreach Foundation Alameda County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA09)
Project Title: T3 (Tattoo Touch Technology) – A Smart and Interactive IoT-Based Removable Tattoo That Relieves Anxiety
Vibha Yadav Ganji, Grade: 8th
School: Oak Valley Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair (USCA05)
Project Title: Can We Enrich the Percentage of Curcumin from Turmeric by Removing Non-Curcuminoids Using Water Extraction?
Vidha Yadav Ganji, Grade: 8th
School: Oak Valley Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair (USCA05)
Project Title: Can We Enrich the Percentage of Curcumin from Turmeric by Removing Non-Curcuminoids Using Water Extraction?
Shreya Garg, Grade: 7th
School: Mount Logan Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Harold W. & Helen M. Ritchey Science and Engineering Fair of Utah (USUT07)
Project Title: Growth of Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells When Subject to Antioxidants
Alex Gavin, Grade: 7th
School: Mirman School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Los Angeles County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA02)
Project Title: Does Modified Airflow Reduce the Spread of Airborne Infections in Classrooms?
Katherine Gilchrist (#), Grade: 8th
School: Orefield Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Delaware Valley Science Fairs (USPA03)
Project Title: Dress For Success: Which Fabrics Twirl Best?
John Glynn, Grade: 8th
School: Saint Norbert School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: STEM Science and Engineering Research Challenge (USIL02)
Project Title: Bridge Demolition
Nina Goyal (#), Grade: 7th
School: Hidden Oaks Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: State Science and Engineering Fair of Florida – Ying Scholars (USFL50)
Project Title: Effects of Double-Stranded RNA Treatment on Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus: Asteraceae)
Carina J. Gross (#), Grade: 7th
School: Terman Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Synopsys Silicon Valley Science and Technology Championship Presented by the Santa Clara Valley Science and Engineering
Fair Association (USCA07)
Project Title: Device To Translate Musical Notes Into Computer Commands
Om Guin, Grade: 7th
School: Fulton Science Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Fulton County Regional Science & Engineering Fair (USGA13)
Project Title: Improving Indoor Air Quality for Healthy Lungs
Disha Gupta, Grade: 8th
School: The Harker School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: California Science & Engineering Fair (USCA50)
Project Title: Improving Outcomes: Early Detection of Autism Using fMRI and Phenotypic Data With Convolutional Neural Networks
Arya Gurumukhi, Grade: 8th
School: Douglas W. Otto Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Beal Bank Dallas Regional Science and Engineering
Fair (USTX01)
Project Title: Supercapacitors- Improving Upon the Lithium-Ion Battery Technology
Alex Peter Guthrie, Grade: 7th
School: Centennial Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Central Utah STEM Fair (USUT04)
Project Title: Engineering Mortar Mixtures To Incorporate Waste Plastic
Victoria Harding Bradley (#), Grade: 8th
School: Nativity Catholic School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: San Mateo County Office of Education STEM Fair (USCA16)
Project Title: Green Ears: A Study of Ultrasonic Acoustic Emissions in Response to Environmental Stressors in Plants
Mason Hill, Grade: 8th
School: Arizona College Prep – Oakland
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Arizona Science and Engineering Fair (USAZ50)
Project Title: The Effect of Plant Type on Moisture Content
Hussein Hirani (#), Grade: 8th
School: Serrano Intermediate
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Orange County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA01)
Project Title: AquaSafe – A Device To Prevent Drowning
Taran Hogan, Grade: 6th
School: Saint Cyril of Alexandria School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Southern Arizona Research, Science and Engineering Fair (USAZ03)
Project Title: Stealth: They Never Saw It Coming!
Jacob Hoopes, Grade: 8th
School: Margaret B. Pollard Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: North Carolina State Science Fair (USNC50)
Project Title: Body Part Ratios in Saturniidae: A Leonardo da Vinci-Style Approach to the Average Saturniidae
Isabelle Hou, Grade: 8th
School: Schimelpfenig Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Beal Bank Dallas Regional Science and Engineering
Fair (USTX01)
Project Title: iSkin: A Computer Vision and Neural Network-Based Diagnosis for Skin Cancer Using Pigmented Lesions
Rory Hu, Grade: 6th
School: The Harker School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Synopsys Silicon Valley Science and Technology Championship Presented by the Santa Clara Valley Science and Engineering
Fair Association (USCA07)
Project Title: The Effects of Pesticides, Caffeine and Tea Polyphenols on the Visual and Olfactory Learning and Memory of the Honey Bee
Audrey Huang, Grade: 8th
School: Lakeside Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Irvine Unified School District Fair (USCA78)
Project Title: Identifying Asian Hate on Twitter With Machine Learning
Marissa Huang, Grade: 8th
School: Lakeside Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Irvine Unified School District Fair (USCA78)
Project Title: Identifying Asian Hate on Twitter With Machine Learning
Sophie Q. Huang, Grade: 8th
School: Takoma Park Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: ScienceMontgomery (USMD03)
Project Title: LED Colors and Optical Infiltration of Air-Gapped Computers
Evan Yifan Huang, Grade: 8th
School: Thomas Edison Charter School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Harold W. & Helen M. Ritchey Science and Engineering Fair of Utah (USUT07)
Project Title: Is Snow Really Safe To Eat?
Landon William Huber, Grade: 6th
School: Christ Classical Academy
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Capital Regional Science and Engineering Fair (USFL26)
Project Title: Forged in Fire: Strength and Hardness of Metal
Mason Huffman (#), Grade: 8th
School: Trafalgar Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: State Science and Engineering Fair of Florida – Ying Scholars (USFL50)
Project Title: Cooling With Acoustics
Macy Huish, Grade: 8th
School: Thomas Edison Charter School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Harold W. & Helen M. Ritchey Science and Engineering Fair of Utah (USUT07)
Project Title: Thermal Impacts on Battery Chemistry
Kyungsup Hwang, Grade: 8th
School: Gunston Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Northern Virginia Science and Engineering Fair
Project Title: The Allelopathic Effect of Juglans nigra on the Growth of the Invasive Pueraria montana var. lobata
Manon Iwata, Grade: 8th
School: Westridge School for Girls
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Los Angeles County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA02)
Project Title: Purrfect for the Bones: Association and Effect of Living With a Cat on Women’s Bone Density
Anagha Iyer, Grade: 8th
School: American Heritage School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Broward Regional Science & Engineering Fair (USFL09)
Project Title: The Synergistic Effects of Ametryn, Atrazine, Imidacloprid, Spinosad and Neem Oil on the Development of Danio Rerio Embryos
Shuchir Jain, Grade: 8th
School: Marshall Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Pittsburgh Regional Science & Engineering Fair (USPA04)
Project Title: Effects of Music on Sleep Stages
Sanjay Jaishankar, Grade: 6th
School: Imagine International Academy of North Texas
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Beal Bank Dallas Regional Science and Engineering
Fair (USTX01)
Project Title: Hydraulic Submarine With Sonar
Rishi Janakiraman, Grade: 7th
School: Central High School Scholars
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Ozarks Science and Engineering Fair (USMO08)
Project Title: Bilingual Brains: The Effect of Bilingualism on the Association of Verbal Stimuli
Max Jewett, Grade: 8th
School: Whitford Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Northwest Science Expo (USOR50)
Project Title: Ideal Particle Size of Calcium Hydroxide for Effective, Efficient Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement
Keertana Jillella, Grade: 7th
School: Heritage Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: North Carolina Central Region III Science Fair (USNC02)
Project Title: HawkEYE
Ellie Johnson, Grade: 6th
School: Home School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Alaska Science and Engineering Fair (USAK50)
Project Title: Washing Danger Down the Drain
Jake Matthew Johnson, Grade: 8th
School: Paul R. Smith Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Pasco Regional Science and Engineering Showcase (USFL30)
Project Title: Spherification
Sophie Hannah Kalish-Schur, Grade: 7th
School: Julia Reynolds Masterman Laboratory and Demonstration School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Delaware Valley Science Fairs (USPA03)
Project Title: Baking in the Name of Science
Abhith Kumar Kasala, Grade: 8th
School: Abraham Lincoln Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: State Science and Engineering Fair of Florida – Ying Scholars (USFL50)
Project Title: Global Plastic Pollution- The Depolymerization of Various Plastic Polymers and Finding the Most Effective Chemical for Plastic Recycling (Year 2)
Lucas S. Katz (#), Grade: 8th
School: Joaquin Moraga Intermediate School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: California Science & Engineering Fair (USCA50)
Project Title: A Mini-Marine Rescue Vessel System – “The Mini-MARV”
Arman Kazi, Grade: 7th
School: Hershey Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Capital Area Science and Engineering Fair (USPA01)
Project Title: Application of Sustainable Energy-Powered Drone for Surveillance and Rescue Operations During Disasters
Clara Kerr, Grade: 8th
School: Lammersville Elementary School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: California Science & Engineering Fair (USCA50)
Project Title: Development of a Multi-Sensor System To Prevent Child Vehicular Heatstroke
Ahjung Kim, Grade: 8th
School: Newtown Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Delaware Valley Science Fairs (USPA03)
Project Title: Effective Space Radiation Shielding
Griffin Kirby, Grade: 7th
School: Edgewood Junior/Senior High School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Brevard Intracoastal Regional Science and Engineering Fair (USFL14)
Project Title: Salty? Lettuce Find Out
Skye Hoyln Knox, Grade: 7th
School: Pacific Crest Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Northwest Science Expo (USOR50)
Project Title: Laboratory Testing of Chemical Cloud Seeding
Caleb C. Kodama (#), Grade: 8th
School: Sierra Madre Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Los Angeles County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA02)
Project Title: Coded Breath a Non-Invasive Diagnostic Approach: Can We Develop an AI-Powered Wireless Electronic-Nose That Utilizes Machine Learning To Identify the Volatile Organic Compounds of Fungal Pneumonia in Our Breath?
Mahi Kohli, Grade: 7th
School: California Trail Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Greater Kansas City Science & Engineering Fair (USMO04)
Project Title: Identifying Potential Alzheimer’s Biomarkers in Cerebrospinal Fluid
Ernest Kolesnikov, Grade: 7th
School: Fox Ridge Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Denver Regional Science and Engineering Fair (USCO10)
Project Title: How Different Substrates Affect Bioplastics
Cooper A. Kroeker, Grade: 8th
School: Perkins County Schools
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Central Nebraska Science and Engineering Fair (USNE01)
Project Title: Effects of Global Temperature Increase on Aviation
Manya Kukkar (#), Grade: 8th
School: Vestal Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Central New York Science and Engineering Fair (USNY06)
Project Title: Fighting against COVID19 – Interaction of Microcin J25 With Sars-CoV2 RNA Dependent RNA Polymerase Enzyme Complex, Sars-Cov2 Spike Protein and Human-Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Receptor-2 by Molecular Docking
Sharvil Kulkarni, Grade: 8th
School: Juan Cabrillo Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Synopsys Silicon Valley Science and Technology Championship Presented by the Santa Clara Valley Science and Engineering
Fair Association (USCA07)
Project Title: The Visual Vest
Soaham Kumar, Grade: 6th
School: Santa Gertrudis School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Coastal Bend Regional Science Fair (USTX15)
Project Title: Engineering Eco-Friendly and Wind-Resistant Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) for Hurricane Proof Home
Priyam Kumaran, Grade: 7th
School: Meyzeek Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Dupont Manual High School Regional Fair (USKY03)
Project Title: Garlic Nanoparticles Inhibit COVID-19 Induced Cytokine Storm in Macrophage Cells
Mathangi Sanjay Kurup, Grade: 7th
School: Challenge Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Colorado Science and Engineering Fair (USCO50)
Project Title: Phytoremediation of Lead Contaminated Soil Using Brassica juncea
Abigail Denise Lacayo, Grade: 7th
School: Wildwood Middle High School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Big Springs Regional Science Fair (USFL16)
Project Title: Enzyme Excellency: Researching the Effectiveness of Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy
Anderson Lam (#), Grade: 8th
School: The Academy at Lincoln
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: North Carolina State Science Fair (USNC50)
Project Title: Exploring Aluminum Electrolyte Batteries as a Replacement for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Korynna Lau, Grade: 8th
School: Natalie Lipman Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: San Mateo County Office of Education STEM Fair (USCA16)
Project Title: Legibility in Typography
Darren Lau, Grade: 8th
School: Academy at the Lakes
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: State Science and Engineering Fair of Florida – Ying Scholars (USFL50)
Project Title: Color Recognition in Machine Learning
Ethan Lavan, Grade: 8th
School: Cloquet Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Northeast Minnesota Regional Science Fair (USMN02)
Project Title: Effects of the Pandemic/Food Supply Chain, City Population and Time on Minnesota Urban Chicken Keeping
Daniel Lawner, Grade: 8th
School: The New Century School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Morgan State University Science-Mathematics-Engineering Fair (USMD07)
Project Title: Parachute Deployment
John Lee, Grade: 8th
School: Jackson Heights Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Seminole County Regional Science, Mathematics & Engineering Fair (USFL23)
Project Title: Governing Factors for Improving Electrochemical Hydrogen Production and a New MoS2 Electrode Development
Noah Leighton, Grade: 7th
School: Glades Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: State Science and Engineering Fair of Florida – Ying Scholars (USFL50)
Project Title: Can High-Pressure Gas Generate Enough Thrust To Propel an Object, Therefore Making It an Alternative To Gasoline-Powered Engines?
Emma Lee Lewis, Grade: 7th
School: Central High School Scholars
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Ozarks Science and Engineering Fair (USMO08)
Project Title: Bilingual Brains: The Effect of Bilingualism on the Association of Verbal Stimuli
Jason Anyi Lian, Grade: 7th
School: Iroquois Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Greater Capital Region Science and Engineering Fair, Inc. (USNY07)
Project Title: What Is the Best Way To Optimize a Catapult?
Sasha Lichtman, Grade: 6th
School: Bonita Canyon Elementary School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Irvine Unified School District Fair (USCA78)
Project Title: Do Different Genres of Music Affect the Amount of Food my Tortoise Consumes
Yuha Lim, Grade: 8th
School: Rudecinda Sepulveda Dodson Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Los Angeles County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA02)
Project Title: Arduino Package Protector
Brianna Liu, Grade: 8th
School: South Lake Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Orange County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA01)
Project Title: The Productivity of Composting and Its Response to Moisture Content
Jayden Liu, Grade: 7th
School: The Harker School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Synopsys Silicon Valley Science and Technology Championship Presented by the Santa Clara Valley Science and Engineering
Fair Association (USCA07)
Project Title: Studying the Multiple Variables and Their Effects on a Home-built Aquaponics System
Chloe Liu, Grade: 8th
School: Kaimuki Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Honolulu District Science & Engineering Fair (USHI08)
Project Title: The Effects of Increased Atmospheric CO2 on Medicinal Plants
John Liu, Grade: 8th
School: Chippewa Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Twin Cities Regional Science Fair (USMN04)
Project Title: The Use of Controlled-Releasing Technology To Reduce Salt Contamination in U.S. Water
Frank Eugene Lucci, Grade: 8th
School: BASIS San Antonio – Shavano Campus
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Alamo Regional Science and Engineering Fair (USTX11)
Project Title: MediWing – an Efficient, Inexpensive, Adaptable, Long-Range Medical Package Delivery Plane
Daisy Jane Luke, Grade: 7th
School: Portola Highly Gifted Magnet Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Los Angeles County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA02)
Project Title: Prevalence of Synthetic Materials in Juvenile Environments: Polymeric Microfiber Shedding and Air Quality
Violet Rae MacAvoy (#), Grade: 7th
School: Crocker Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: San Mateo County Office of Education STEM Fair (USCA16)
Project Title: Save Our Forests: Engineering a Cost-Effective, Environmentally Friendly Forest Fire Retardant
Michael Lipeng Macri, Grade: 7th
School: Saint Raymond School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: The Synopsys Outreach Foundation Alameda County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA09)
Project Title: Bits vs. Trits: Comparing Binary and Ternary Memory
Nandana Maheskumar, Grade: 8th
School: Juan Cabrillo Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: California Science & Engineering Fair (USCA50)
Project Title: EEVF: Energy Efficient Vertical Farming
Vedant Malik, Grade: 8th
School: Springhouse Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Delaware Valley Science Fairs (USPA03)
Project Title: ChaperDetect: Detecting Misfolded Proteins That Escape Chaperones Causing Degenerative Disease Using AI-Based Deep Learning
Srijon Mandal, Grade: 8th
School: YoungWonks
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: The Synopsys Outreach Foundation Alameda County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA09)
Project Title: Road Safety Device for Accident Prevention (RODAN)
Rajarshi Mandal, Grade: 6th
School: William Diamond Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Massachusetts Region IV Science Fair (USMA02)
Project Title: Analysis of Drinking Water Quality in Selected MA Towns and Development of Machine Learning Models on Drinking Water Datasets
Griffin Kirby, Grade: 7th
School: Edgewood Junior/Senior High School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Brevard Intracoastal Regional Science and Engineering Fair (USFL14)
Project Title: Salty? Lettuce Find Out
Skye Hoyln Knox, Grade: 7th
School: Pacific Crest Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Northwest Science Expo (USOR50)
Project Title: Laboratory Testing of Chemical Cloud Seeding
Caleb C. Kodama (#), Grade: 8th
School: Sierra Madre Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Los Angeles County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA02)
Project Title: Coded Breath a Non-Invasive Diagnostic Approach: Can We Develop an AI-Powered Wireless Electronic-Nose That Utilizes Machine Learning To Identify the Volatile Organic Compounds of Fungal Pneumonia in Our Breath?
Mahi Kohli, Grade: 7th
School: California Trail Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Greater Kansas City Science & Engineering Fair (USMO04)
Project Title: Identifying Potential Alzheimer’s Biomarkers in Cerebrospinal Fluid
Ernest Kolesnikov, Grade: 7th
School: Fox Ridge Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Denver Regional Science and Engineering Fair (USCO10)
Project Title: How Different Substrates Affect Bioplastics
Cooper A. Kroeker, Grade: 8th
School: Perkins County Schools
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Central Nebraska Science and Engineering Fair (USNE01)
Project Title: Effects of Global Temperature Increase on Aviation
Manya Kukkar (#), Grade: 8th
School: Vestal Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Central New York Science and Engineering Fair (USNY06)
Project Title: Fighting against COVID19 – Interaction of Microcin J25 With Sars-CoV2 RNA Dependent RNA Polymerase Enzyme Complex, Sars-Cov2 Spike Protein and Human-Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Receptor-2 by Molecular Docking
Sharvil Kulkarni, Grade: 8th
School: Juan Cabrillo Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Synopsys Silicon Valley Science and Technology Championship Presented by the Santa Clara Valley Science and Engineering
Fair Association (USCA07)
Project Title: The Visual Vest
Soaham Kumar, Grade: 6th
School: Santa Gertrudis School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Coastal Bend Regional Science Fair (USTX15)
Project Title: Engineering Eco-Friendly and Wind-Resistant Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) for Hurricane Proof Home
Priyam Kumaran, Grade: 7th
School: Meyzeek Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Dupont Manual High School Regional Fair (USKY03)
Project Title: Garlic Nanoparticles Inhibit COVID-19 Induced Cytokine Storm in Macrophage Cells
Mathangi Sanjay Kurup, Grade: 7th
School: Challenge Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Colorado Science and Engineering Fair (USCO50)
Project Title: Phytoremediation of Lead Contaminated Soil Using Brassica juncea
Abigail Denise Lacayo, Grade: 7th
School: Wildwood Middle High School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Big Springs Regional Science Fair (USFL16)
Project Title: Enzyme Excellency: Researching the Effectiveness of Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy
Anderson Lam (#), Grade: 8th
School: The Academy at Lincoln
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: North Carolina State Science Fair (USNC50)
Project Title: Exploring Aluminum Electrolyte Batteries as a Replacement for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Korynna Lau, Grade: 8th
School: Natalie Lipman Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: San Mateo County Office of Education STEM Fair (USCA16)
Project Title: Legibility in Typography
Darren Lau, Grade: 8th
School: Academy at the Lakes
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: State Science and Engineering Fair of Florida – Ying Scholars (USFL50)
Project Title: Color Recognition in Machine Learning
Ethan Lavan, Grade: 8th
School: Cloquet Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Northeast Minnesota Regional Science Fair (USMN02)
Project Title: Effects of the Pandemic/Food Supply Chain, City Population and Time on Minnesota Urban Chicken Keeping
Daniel Lawner, Grade: 8th
School: The New Century School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Morgan State University Science-Mathematics-Engineering Fair (USMD07)
Project Title: Parachute Deployment
John Lee, Grade: 8th
School: Jackson Heights Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Seminole County Regional Science, Mathematics & Engineering Fair (USFL23)
Project Title: Governing Factors for Improving Electrochemical Hydrogen Production and a New MoS2 Electrode Development
Noah Leighton, Grade: 7th
School: Glades Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: State Science and Engineering Fair of Florida – Ying Scholars (USFL50)
Project Title: Can High-Pressure Gas Generate Enough Thrust To Propel an Object, Therefore Making It an Alternative To Gasoline-Powered Engines?
Emma Lee Lewis, Grade: 7th
School: Central High School Scholars
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Ozarks Science and Engineering Fair (USMO08)
Project Title: Bilingual Brains: The Effect of Bilingualism on the Association of Verbal Stimuli
Jason Anyi Lian, Grade: 7th
School: Iroquois Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Greater Capital Region Science and Engineering Fair, Inc. (USNY07)
Project Title: What Is the Best Way To Optimize a Catapult?
Sasha Lichtman, Grade: 6th
School: Bonita Canyon Elementary School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Irvine Unified School District Fair (USCA78)
Project Title: Do Different Genres of Music Affect the Amount of Food my Tortoise Consumes
Yuha Lim, Grade: 8th
School: Rudecinda Sepulveda Dodson Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Los Angeles County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA02)
Project Title: Arduino Package Protector
Brianna Liu, Grade: 8th
School: South Lake Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Orange County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA01)
Project Title: The Productivity of Composting and Its Response to Moisture Content
Jayden Liu, Grade: 7th
School: The Harker School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Synopsys Silicon Valley Science and Technology Championship Presented by the Santa Clara Valley Science and Engineering
Fair Association (USCA07)
Project Title: Studying the Multiple Variables and Their Effects on a Home-built Aquaponics System
Chloe Liu, Grade: 8th
School: Kaimuki Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Honolulu District Science & Engineering Fair (USHI08)
Project Title: The Effects of Increased Atmospheric CO2 on Medicinal Plants
John Liu, Grade: 8th
School: Chippewa Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Twin Cities Regional Science Fair (USMN04)
Project Title: The Use of Controlled-Releasing Technology To Reduce Salt Contamination in U.S. Water
Frank Eugene Lucci, Grade: 8th
School: BASIS San Antonio – Shavano Campus
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Alamo Regional Science and Engineering Fair (USTX11)
Project Title: MediWing – an Efficient, Inexpensive, Adaptable, Long-Range Medical Package Delivery Plane
Daisy Jane Luke, Grade: 7th
School: Portola Highly Gifted Magnet Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Los Angeles County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA02)
Project Title: Prevalence of Synthetic Materials in Juvenile Environments: Polymeric Microfiber Shedding and Air Quality
Violet Rae MacAvoy (#), Grade: 7th
School: Crocker Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: San Mateo County Office of Education STEM Fair (USCA16)
Project Title: Save Our Forests: Engineering a Cost-Effective, Environmentally Friendly Forest Fire Retardant
Michael Lipeng Macri, Grade: 7th
School: Saint Raymond School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: The Synopsys Outreach Foundation Alameda County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA09)
Project Title: Bits vs. Trits: Comparing Binary and Ternary Memory
Nandana Maheskumar, Grade: 8th
School: Juan Cabrillo Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: California Science & Engineering Fair (USCA50)
Project Title: EEVF: Energy Efficient Vertical Farming
Vedant Malik, Grade: 8th
School: Springhouse Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Delaware Valley Science Fairs (USPA03)
Project Title: ChaperDetect: Detecting Misfolded Proteins That Escape Chaperones Causing Degenerative Disease Using AI-Based Deep Learning
Srijon Mandal, Grade: 8th
School: YoungWonks
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: The Synopsys Outreach Foundation Alameda County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA09)
Project Title: Road Safety Device for Accident Prevention (RODAN)
Rajarshi Mandal, Grade: 6th
School: William Diamond Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Massachusetts Region IV Science Fair (USMA02)
Project Title: Analysis of Drinking Water Quality in Selected MA Towns and Development of Machine Learning Models on Drinking Water Datasets
Gautam Manikandan, Grade: 6th
School: Imagine International Academy of North Texas
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Beal Bank Dallas Regional Science and Engineering
Fair (USTX01)
Project Title: Hydraulic Submarine With Sonar
Jake Maniscalco, Grade: 7th
School: American Martyrs School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Los Angeles County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA02)
Project Title: Electric Generator: An Analysis of the Voltage Created by a Spinning Magnetic Field
Louisa Markert, Grade: 8th
School: Indian Springs School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Central Alabama Regional Science and Engineering Fair (USAL02)
Project Title: MRI Image Analysis Using an ImageJ-Based Algorithm To Predict New-Onset Dementia
Alex Joe Mathew, Grade: 8th
School: Juan Cabrillo Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Synopsys Silicon Valley Science and Technology Championship Presented by the Santa Clara Valley Science and Engineering
Fair Association (USCA07)
Project Title: The Visual Vest
Angel Mary Mathews, Grade: 7th
School: Mountain View Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Capital Area Science and Engineering Fair (USPA01)
Project Title: The Effect of pH on Juice Balls
Aanvi Mathur, Grade: 7th
School: Orlando Science Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Dr. Nelson Ying-Orange County Science Exposition (USFL17)
Project Title: The Effectiveness of Naturally-Available Plant-Based Extracts as Compared to Antimicrobial Mouthwashes against Microorganisms That Cause Dental Caries
Vishak Meenachi, Grade: 6th
School: LISA Academy- West
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Central Arkansas Regional Science and Engineering Fair (USAR05)
Project Title: Cost Effective Pesticide/Fertilizer Sprayer Attachment for Drones
Akshadha Mehta, Grade: 6th
School: Dodgen Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Georgia State Science and Engineering Fair (USGA50)
Project Title: Maskrete: A Viable Approach to Pandemic Pollution of Face Masks
Samaira Mehta, Grade: 8th
School: Stratford School – Sunnyvale Raynor Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: California Science & Engineering Fair (USCA50)
Project Title: OVision: Automatic Assessment of Ovarian Cancer Features and Mesothelin Protein Over-Expression From Histopathological Images Using Deep Learning
Isabel Merriman, Grade: 8th
School: Saint Brendan School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Golden Gate STEM Fair (USCA06)
Project Title: Microplastics in Food? A Salty Surprise
Cael Andrew Mess, Grade: 8th
School: North Scott Junior High School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: State Science and Technology Fair of Iowa (USIA50)
Project Title: How Do Differences in Woods Making Up an Electric Guitar’s Body Affect the Tone?
Gabriel Hosein Mikati, Grade: 6th
School: The Weiss School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Palm Beach Regional Science and Engineering Fair (USFL29)
Project Title: Thermoelectricity – The FREE Hidden Energy in Our Roadways
Sanvi Mishra, Grade: 8th
School: Challenger School – Strawberry Park
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Synopsys Silicon Valley Science and Technology Championship Presented by the Santa Clara Valley Science and Engineering
Fair Association (USCA07)
Project Title: Ring for Life Rescue
Aadi Mishra, Grade: 7th
School: The Waterford School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: University of Utah Science and Engineering Fair (USUT05)
Project Title: A Novel Method To Efficiently Predict Drug-Consumption Risk Using Boosted Decision Trees
Parker Clayton Mitchell, Grade: 6th
School: Sargent Junior High School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: San Luis Valley Regional Science Fair, Inc. (USCO01)
Project Title: Spin That Wheel II
Alexander Montgomery, Grade: 8th
School: Andrew Jackson Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Brevard Mainland Regional Science and Engineering Fair
Project Title: The Impact of Different Environmental Conditions on Galvanic Corrosion at Launchpad Structures
Kasey Moore, Grade: 7th
School: American Heritage School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Palm Beach Regional Science and Engineering Fair (USFL29)
Project Title: The Effect of Uncaria Tomentosa (Cat’s Claw) in Learning and Memory in Lymnaea Stagnalis (The Great Pond Snail)
Shaivi Moparthi, Grade: 7th
School: Kinkaid School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Science Engineering Fair of Houston (USTX05)
Project Title: PinkRibbon- A Novel Method for Breast Cancer Detection Using Machine Learning and Convolutional Neural Networks
Kaileigh Morris, Grade: 6th
School: Saint Dorothy’s School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Delaware Valley Science Fairs (USPA03)
Project Title: Food Science Plastic vs. Bioplastics
Ashvik Sai Nacham, Grade: 7th
School: Rancho San Joaquin Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Orange County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA01)
Project Title: Optimizing Removal of Nitrates From Water Using Household Waste (Eggshells)
Toshiro Nagafuji, Grade: 7th
School: The Logan School for Creative Learning
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Denver Regional Science and Engineering Fair (USCO10)
Project Title: Finding the Best Bio-Based Material for Bioplastics
Supriya Nair, Grade: 8th
School: Stanford Online High School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Washington State Science and Engineering Fair
Project Title: Neurofencing: Study of Brain, Heart and Muscle Neuron Action Potentials To Improve Performance of Young Fencers
Akira Nakamura, Grade: 6th
School: Burlingame Intermediate School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: San Mateo County Office of Education STEM Fair (USCA16)
Project Title: Mathematically Modeling Planetary Orbits in Space
Akhila Reddy Nalladimma, Grade: 7th
School: Meyzeek Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Dupont Manual High School Regional Fair (USKY03)
Project Title: Growing Plants in Unstable and Martian Environments
Sharanya Natarajan (#), Grade: 8th
School: Edgewood Junior/Senior High School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Brevard Intracoastal Regional Science and Engineering Fair (USFL14)
Project Title: Suppress That Algae: Mitigating the Effects of Harmful Algal Blooms Through Preemptive Detection and Suppression (Year 3)
Jacob Tan Nguyen, Grade: 8th
School: Five Forks Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Gwinnett Regional Fair (USGA11)
Project Title: Application Of Thermoplastics To 3D Print Pediatric Prosthesis Foot
Luka Anthony Nguyen (#), Grade: 7th
School: Challenger School – Silverado
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Beal Bank USA Southern Nevada Regional Science & Engineering Fair (USNV02)
Project Title: Which Mangroves (Mature Plants vs. Immature Propagules) Thrive Better and Are Best Suited for Aerial Reforestation?
Eric Nie, Grade: 8th
School: North Attleborough Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Massachusetts Region III Science Fair (USMA03)
Project Title: Self-Driving Security Robot With Face Recognition
Anika Nunes, Grade: 8th
School: Fairmont Private School – Historic Anaheim Campus
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Orange County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA01)
Project Title: Engineering Effective Influenza Vaccines Using Novel Interdisciplinary Approaches
Mira Nuthakki, Grade: 8th
School: Creekside Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Hoosier Science and Engineering Fair Region 3 (USIN22)
Project Title: Potential microRNA Biomarker Panel for Predicting Evolution of Pancreatitis to Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
Gabriella Sofia Olson, Grade: 6th
School: Carondelet Catholic School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Western Suburbs Science Fair (USMN10)
Project Title: The Invisible Word
Jackson Scott Owens, Grade: 7th
School: Saint Columban School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: University of Cincinnati Science and Engineering EXPO (USOH10)
Project Title: What is the Best Antidote for Spice?
Sritej Sai Padmanabhan, Grade: 8th
School: Marshall Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Pittsburgh Regional Science & Engineering Fair (USPA04)
Project Title: Can Video Analysis of Hand Tremors Aid in Telehealth?
Laasya Pandravada, Grade: 8th
School: Juan Cabrillo Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: California Science & Engineering Fair (USCA50)
Project Title: EEVF: Energy Efficient Vertical Farming
Shaily Nirav Pandya (#), Grade: 7th
School: VIBE Academy
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Western Iowa Science and Engineering Fair (USIA02)
Project Title: No Berries Left Behind! – Extending Strawberry Shelf Life
Arlo John Lotilla Pangilinan, Grade: 8th
School: Saint Columba School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Prince George’s Area Science Fair (USMD05)
Project Title: Mushroom Invasion
Kaya Parikh, Grade: 8th
School: Hunter College High School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Hunter College High School Science and Engineering Fair (USNY78)
Project Title: The Optical Possibilities of Gelatin
Erinne Park, Grade: 8th
School: Rudecinda Sepulveda Dodson Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Los Angeles County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA02)
Project Title: The Arduino Package Protector
Kinnoree Rabeya Pasha (#), Grade: 7th
School: Granite Ridge Intermediate School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Fresno County Science Fair (USCA03)
Project Title: Smart Irrigation Through Sensing Technology and Embedded Logic for Optimum Resource Use: A Comparative Analysis To Grow Daikon Radish in Winter Conditions
Neev Patel, Grade: 8th
School: Barrington Middle School – Prairie Campus
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: IJAS State Expo (USIL51)
Project Title: Modification to the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium With Exclusionary Conditions
Reeva Patel, Grade: 8th
School: Juan Cabrillo Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Synopsys Silicon Valley Science and Technology Championship Presented by the Santa Clara Valley Science and Engineering
Fair Association (USCA07)
Project Title: Novel Machine Learning-Based Smart Navigation Attachment To Aid Glaucoma Patients
Shiv Pillai, Grade: 6th
School: American Heritage School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Palm Beach Regional Science and Engineering Fair (USFL29)
Project Title: Which Mechanism of Throttling a Solid Fuel is More Effective?
Siona Aditi Pramoda, Grade: 8th
School: Baldwin School of Puerto Rico
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Puerto Rico Metropolitan Science Fair (TEPR12)
Project Title: A-La-Carte Cyber Safety: Learning From Teachers and Videos, Going to Parents and Friends When in Trouble
Amritha Praveen, Grade: 7th
School: Aptakisic Junior High School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: IJAS State Expo (USIL51)
Project Title: Early Risk Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder Using Machine Learning
Avery Ryan Pyzik, Grade: 6th
School: Forest Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Central Virginia Regional Science Fair (USVA05)
Project Title: Plastic! Made From Milk?
Abigail Hou Qi, Grade: 7th
School: Glasgow Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Louisiana Region VII-Science and Engineering Fair (USLA01)
Project Title: How Do the Populations of Vibrio Respond to Bdellovibrio and Like Organisms?
Caleb Quinby, Grade: 7th
School: Chiaravalle Academy at the Enfield Montessori School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Connecticut Science & Engineering Fair (USCT50)
Project Title: Separating Solids and Liquids Going Down the Sink
Valerie Savanna Rahe, Grade: 8th
School: Beckman Catholic School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: State Science and Technology Fair of Iowa (USIA50)
Project Title: Impacts of Fertilizer Type and Concentration on Soil Organisms
Anya Rai, Grade: 7th
School: Partnership Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Mississippi Region V Science and Engineering Fair (USMS06)
Project Title: Analysis of Synthetic and Degradation Pathways of Polyhydroxy Butrate in Cupravidus necator To Produce Biodegradable Plastics
Mujtaba Raja, Grade: 8th
School: Academy 1 Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Jersey City Medical Center/Barnabas Health STEM Showcase (USNJ02)
Project Title: AlgaeTECH | An Affordable Solution To Sustain and Bioremediate Sewage Contamination in Low-Socioeconomic Neighborhoods in New Jersey: Extracting Green Energy (Chlorella vulgaris) From Local Freshwater Reservoirs
Atharv Rajesh, Grade: 6th
School: Marsh Creek Sixth Grade Center
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Delaware Valley Science Fairs (USPA03)
Project Title: Bioplastics Made From Food Waste
Riya Rakesh, Grade: 7th
School: Merryhill School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: California Science & Engineering Fair (USCA50)
Project Title: Mud to Electricity: Creating, Comparing and Finding Ways To Improve a Microbial Fuel Cell
Haripriya Ramakrishnan, Grade: 7th
School: Challenger School – Shawnee
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: California Science & Engineering Fair (USCA50)
Project Title: Syringe Chromatography
Vallabh Ramesh, Grade: 8th
School: Meyzeek Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Kentucky Science and Engineering Fair (USKY50)
Project Title: Best Eco-Friendly Application for Concrete Substrates
Sahas Ravoor, Grade: 8th
School: Larson Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Science and Engineering Fair of Metropolitan Detroit (USMI02)
Project Title: The Best Storm and Sewer System!
Sia Reddy, Grade: 8th
School: Talcott Mountain Academy
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Connecticut Science & Engineering Fair (USCT50)
Project Title: Pellet-“O”-Trap: Capturing Plastic Pellets Through a Multi-Filter System and Analyzing Their Progression Using Binary Image Processing
Zain Rehman, Grade: 6th
School: Central High School Scholars
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Ozarks Science and Engineering Fair (USMO08)
Project Title: The Effect on the Growth of Lettuce Plants Using Various Recyclable Non-Soil Substrates
Andrew Reveles, Grade: 8th
School: Saint Jerome Catholic School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Arizona Science and Engineering Fair (USAZ50)
Project Title: The Use of Luminol To Detect Blood in an Arson Case Where a Murder Was Involved
Michael Ribay, Grade: 7th
School: Howard Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Big Springs Regional Science Fair (USFL16)
Project Title: Rolling Rovers: A Feasibility Study of Fused Deposition Modeled Wheels
Sophia Ali Rizvi, Grade: 7th
School: Grafton Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Tidewater Science and Engineering Fair (USVA09)
Project Title: What’s Using My Bandwidth? The Effect of Remote Work and At-Home Entertainment Apps on the Network Bandwidth
Avery Alexandra Robinette, Grade: 8th
School: Long-View Micro School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Austin Energy Regional Science Festival (USTX13)
Project Title: Exploring the Relationship between Solar Radiation and Wind Energy Generation
Luke Rodgers, Grade: 8th
School: DeLaura Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Brevard Intracoastal Regional Science and Engineering Fair (USFL14)
Project Title: How Does Altitude Affect the Apogee and Speed of Rocket Launches?
Brielle Rola, Grade: 8th
School: Kaimuki Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Honolulu District Science & Engineering Fair (USHI08)
Project Title: The Effects of Increased Atmospheric CO2 on Medicinal Plants
Eleanor Rossi, Grade: 8th
School: James Blair Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Tidewater Science and Engineering Fair (USVA09)
Project Title: The Science Behind the Perfect Cappuccino
Amanda Roth, Grade: 6th
School: Flagstaff Academy
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Corden Pharma Colorado Regional Science Fair (USCO09)
Project Title: Does Jumping Higher Result in a Dog Landing With More Force? An Investigation Into Understanding and Preventing Injuries in Performance Dogs.
Raya Sai, Grade: 7th
School: Merryhill School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: California Science & Engineering Fair (USCA50)
Project Title: Mud To Electricity: Creating, Comparing and Finding Ways To Improve a Microbial Fuel Cell
Nyambura Sallinen, Grade: 7th
School: Lanier Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Gwinnett Regional Fair (USGA11)
Project Title: IdentiCan: The App That Detects Lung Cancer
Arjun Samavedam (#), Grade: 8th
School: Robert Frost Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: ScienceMontgomery (USMD03)
Project Title: Energy Efficient and Environment-Friendly Street Light Control System
Pranav Sambhu, Grade: 8th
School: Fulton Science Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Georgia State Science and Engineering Fair (USGA50)
Project Title: Work OnPoint
Moitri Santra (#), Grade: 8th
School: Jackson Heights Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Seminole County Regional Science, Mathematics & Engineering Fair (USFL23)
Project Title: Innovative Engineering Tools for Controlling Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB): Year 3
Sanjan Singh Sarang, Grade: 8th
School: McCullough Junior High School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Science Engineering Fair of Houston (USTX05)
Project Title: Testing the Impact of Food Ingredients, Consumer Products and their Packaging on the Human Endocrine System
Monish Saravana Kumar Divya Sundari, Grade: 8th
School: Orlando Science Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: State Science and Engineering Fair of Florida – Ying Scholars (USFL50)
Project Title: Year 2: OCTOPAS – Developing an Automated Novel Approach To Clean Up Oil Spills
Gavin Bootan Sarmiento, Grade: 8th
School: Rudecinda Sepulveda Dodson Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Los Angeles County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA02)
Project Title: Arduino Package Protector
Mona Sophie Schwickert, Grade: 7th
School: Arizona Virtual Academy
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Arizona Science and Engineering Fair (USAZ50)
Project Title: Sun Lotions and Bathing Suit Straps: The Impact Sun Lotions Have on Bathing Suit Straps’ Elasticity
Keshvee Sekhda, Grade: 7th
School: Lanier Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Gwinnett Regional Fair (USGA11)
Project Title: IdentiCan: The App That Detects Lung Cancer
Aryan Shah, Grade: 7th
School: Meyzeek Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Kentucky Science and Engineering Fair (USKY50)
Project Title: How Can DNA Be Used as a Genetic Tool for Diagnosis and Treatment of Disease?
Nitya Ankit Shah, Grade: 6th
School: Stoller Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Northwest Science Expo (USOR50)
Project Title: Autonomous Vehicles Hand Gesture Detection and Signaling
Sofia Shah, Grade: 8th
School: The Harker School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Synopsys Silicon Valley Science and Technology Championship Presented by the Santa Clara Valley Science and Engineering
Fair Association (USCA07)
Project Title: Change and Improvement of Antioxidant Levels in Different Fruits and Storage Environments
Zane Shaiyen, Grade: 7th
School: Fairmont Private School – Historic Anaheim Campus
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Orange County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA01)
Project Title: Magnetic Linear Accelerator: Effect of Number of Magnet Stages on Ejection Distance
Zain Shariff (#), Grade: 7th
School: Narrows View Intermediate School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Discovery Regional Science and Engineering Fair (USWA02)
Project Title: Identification of Microwave-Related Changes in Tissue Using an Ultrasound Scan
Kaitlyn Sharrer, Grade: 8th
School: Fruitvale Junior High
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: California Science & Engineering Fair (USCA50)
Project Title: Bendable Bones
Elizabeth Shen, Grade: 7th
School: Davis Drive Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: North Carolina State Science Fair (USNC50)
Project Title: Flower Petal-Inspired Computer Memory Leveling via the Golden Ratio
Elizabeth Shen, Grade: 7th
School: Stoller Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Northwest Science Expo (USOR50)
Project Title: Rapid Oil Disposal Through Lightweight Absorption and Solidification
Ethan Benjamin Shlossberg, Grade: 8th
School: Holicong Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Delaware Valley Science Fairs (USPA03)
Project Title: Quail Egg Patterns: Unique to a Quail?
Aryaman Dixit Shukla, Grade: 8th
School: Hanes Magnet Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: North Carolina State Science Fair (USNC50)
Project Title: Repurposed Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Leaf Mulch Pellets
Rayyan Ahmed Siddiq, Grade: 7th
School: The Islamic Academy for Peace
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Massachusetts Region IV Science Fair (USMA02)
Project Title: Reducing Energy Consumption and Global Greenhouse Effect in Refrigeration
Caleb Sigelman, Grade: 7th
School: Main Line Classical Academy
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Delaware Valley Science Fairs (USPA03)
Project Title: Despair Is Infectious: An Analysis of How a Community’s Conditions Affect Resistance to Vaccination
Emma Abigail Simmons, Grade: 7th
School: Mother Seton School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Frederick County Science and Engineering Fair (USMD02)
Project Title: Portable Bronchodilator Delivery System for Equine Inflammatory Respiratory Diseases
Sarah Charlotte Simmons, Grade: 7th
School: Mother Seton School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Frederick County Science and Engineering Fair (USMD02)
Project Title: Portable Bronchodilator Delivery System for Equine Inflammatory Respiratory Diseases
Tavishi Sinha, Grade: 8th
School: Quail Valley Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Science Engineering Fair of Houston (USTX05)
Project Title: ALGI2: Finding A Sustainable Carbon Sequestration Solution Through Growing Algae on Hydroponic Surfaces
Alexander Luong Sinn, Grade: 8th
School: Bak Middle School of the Arts
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Palm Beach Regional Science and Engineering Fair (USFL29)
Project Title: Does a Sports Drink Contain More Electrolytes Than Milk?
Tanvi Sivakumar, Grade: 8th
School: The Harker School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: California Science & Engineering Fair (USCA50)
Project Title: Improving Outcomes: Early Detection of Autism Using fMRI and Phenotypic Data With Convolutional Neural Networks
Abhijith Sivaprakash, Grade: 6th
School: Deerfield Elementary School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Irvine Unified School District Fair (USCA78)
Project Title: Which Material Stops Water From Getting to Coastal Cities Best?
Quinton John Smith, Grade: 8th
School: Ottawa Hills Junior/Senior High School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: State Science Day (Ohio) (USOH51)
Project Title: The Effects of Fertilizer on Algal and Plant Growth
Ana Spiride, Grade: 7th
School: Rice Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Beal Bank Dallas Regional Science and Engineering
Fair (USTX01)
Project Title: drEYEve: A Novel Gaze-Controlled Movement System
Wyatt Steel, Grade: 6th
School: Nysmith School for the Gifted and Talented
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Fairfax County Elementary and Middle School Science and Engineering Fair (USVA78)
Project Title: Carbon Captured! Can Basalt Eclipse Limestone as the Standard in Vegetable Farming?
Liam Stemmle, Grade: 7th
School: Saint Matthew’s Episcopal Day School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: San Mateo County Office of Education STEM Fair (USCA16)
Project Title: Masked Faces
Sebastian Stoker, Grade: 8th
School: Albuquerque Institute of Mathematics and Science
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Central New Mexico Regional Science and Engineering Challenge (USNM01)
Project Title: Isolating Aquatic Microplastics
Brian Stone, Grade: 8th
School: Centennial Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Central Utah STEM Fair (USUT04)
Project Title: Detoxification of Brine Shrimp From the Great Salt Lake
Sandhya Sudarsanam, Grade: 8th
School: Westside Middle School Academy
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Connecticut Science & Engineering Fair (USCT50)
Project Title: Design and Testing of an Integrated 360 Degree Pi Camera System for Deep Well Rescue Mission
Brian Sun, Grade: 7th
School: Van Antwerp Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Greater Capital Region Science and Engineering Fair, Inc. (USNY07)
Project Title: What Is the Best Way To Optimize a Catapult?
Mio Sutherland, Grade: 8th
School: Kaimuki Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Honolulu District Science & Engineering Fair (USHI08)
Project Title: The Effects of Increased Atmospheric CO2 on Medicinal Plants
Nikila Swaminathan, Grade: 8th
School: Ereckson Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Beal Bank Dallas Regional Science and Engineering
Fair (USTX01)
Project Title: Genomic Analysis of SARS-COV-2 S Protein
Jonathan Alexander Szeto, Grade: 8th
School: The Harker School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: California Science & Engineering Fair (USCA50)
Project Title: A Cost-Effective Method Using Ash To Improve the Efficacy of Oil Spill Bioremediation With Bacillus subtilis
Ansh Thakkar, Grade: 8th
School: Champion School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Synopsys Silicon Valley Science and Technology Championship Presented by the Santa Clara Valley Science and Engineering
Fair Association (USCA07)
Project Title: A Raspberry Pi-Based Automatically-Maintained Hydroponic System
Lakshmi Thanikasalam, Grade: 7th
School: Flagstaff Academy
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Corden Pharma Colorado Regional Science Fair (USCO09)
Project Title: Capillary Action – Investigation and Empirical Modeling
Nidhi Thankasala, Grade: 8th
School: Juan Cabrillo Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Synopsys Silicon Valley Science and Technology Championship Presented by the Santa Clara Valley Science and Engineering
Fair Association (USCA07)
Project Title: Novel Machine Learning-Based Smart Navigation Attachment To Aid Glaucoma Patients
Ahil Thendral, Grade: 7th
School: Robert Frost Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: ScienceMontgomery (USMD03)
Project Title: Grid Iron Battery
Nichelle Thinagar, Grade: 7th
School: Oak Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Massachusetts Region II State Science Fair (USMA05)
Project Title: Origami Safety Barrier – Designing and Testing a Safety Barrier for Short-Term Road Construction Sites That Is Easy To Set Up, Store and Transport
Daniel Thomas, Grade: 8th
School: Colleyville Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Fort Worth Regional Science and Engineering Fair (USTX03)
Project Title: A Novel Dosing Pump To Prevent Clogs and Organic Overgrowth in AC Condensate Lines
Jacob Thompson, Grade: 7th
School: Herbert C. Hoover Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Brevard Intracoastal Regional Science and Engineering Fair (USFL14)
Project Title: Oh Barnacles
Evie Thomsen, Grade: 7th
School: Challenger School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: University of Utah Science and Engineering Fair (USUT05)
Project Title: Solution to Pollution: The Effect of Substrate pH on the Ability of Mycelium To Degrade Polyethylene Terephthalate Plastic
Kriesh Tivare, Grade: 8th
School: Cooper Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Fairfax County Elementary and Middle School Science and Engineering Fair (USVA78)
Project Title: No More Power Lines! The Future of Power Transmission
Gauri Todur, Grade: 8th
School: Juan Cabrillo Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Synopsys Silicon Valley Science and Technology Championship Presented by the Santa Clara Valley Science and Engineering
Fair Association (USCA07)
Project Title: Machine Learning-Based Smart Navigation Attachment To Aid Glaucoma Patients
Maya Julia Trutschl, Grade: 8th
School: Caddo Parish Middle Magnet School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Bossier Parish Community College Louisiana Region I Science and Engineering Fair (USLA02)
Project Title: Microcontroller-Driven Remote HVAC Monitoring System for a Greener Planet
Kai Unwin-Wisnosky (#), Grade: 8th
School: University Scholars, Pennsylvania Leadership Charter School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Delaware Valley Science Fairs (USPA03)
Project Title: Are Four Scaled-Down Savonius Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines More Efficient Than a Single-Scaled Wind Turbine of the Same Type?
Anjana Vaidyaraman, Grade: 8th
School: Odle Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Washington State Science and Engineering Fair
Project Title: A Foldable Reflectarray Antenna on an Origami Waterbomb Crease Pattern
Ani Van More, Grade: 8th
School: Jane Addams Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Washington State Science and Engineering Fair
Project Title: Reducing Food Waste by Making Biochar
Hamsini Vegi, Grade: 6th
School: Mission San Jose Elementary School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: The Synopsys Outreach Foundation Alameda County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA09)
Project Title: Fun Exercise Glove
Kethan Vegunta, Grade: 7th
School: YoungWonks
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: The Synopsys Outreach Foundation Alameda County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA09)
Project Title: Road Safety Device for Accident Prevention (RODAN)
Aditi Vijaya Venkataraman (#), Grade: 8th
School: McCullough Junior High School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Texas Science and Engineering Fair (USTX50)
Project Title: The Effect of Ethnic Proximity on the Ability To Differentiate Between Real and Computer-Generated Faces
Taylor Verdell, Grade: 8th
School: Thirkell Elementary-Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Science and Engineering Fair of Metropolitan Detroit (USMI02)
Project Title: Does Solar Activity Create Space Weather That Can Impact Earth?
Nandini Verma, Grade: 7th
School: Thornton Junior High School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: The Synopsys Outreach Foundation Alameda County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA09)
Project Title: Does Listening to Music Have the Same Effect as Feeling Its Vibrations?
Neethika Vijay, Grade: 7th
School: Synapse School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: San Mateo County Office of Education STEM Fair (USCA16)
Project Title: Shoe-in: Accessible Shoe Design
Álvaro Daniel Villafuerte, Grade: 7th
School: Colegio San Ignacio de Loyola
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Puerto Rico Metropolitan Science Fair (TEPR12)
Project Title: Design and Development of an Accurate Temperature Monitoring Station Powered by Solar Energy
Achuth Vinay, Grade: 7th
School: Granite Ridge Intermediate School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Fresno County Science Fair (USCA03)
Project Title: Do Word Recognition Software Have Racial or Gender Bias?
Eshan Vipuil, Grade: 7th
School: West Shore Junior/Senior High School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Brevard South Science and Engineering Fair (USFL13)
Project Title: Building a Simplistic Cost-Effective Pill Counter To Improve Patient Compliance
Anwita Suhrid Wadekar, Grade: 6th
School: Saint Bernadette School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Massachusetts Region II State Science Fair (USMA05)
Project Title: Beauty or the Beast: Understanding the Durability of Nail Polishes
Aman Rajalaxmi Wairkar, Grade: 7th
School: League City Intermediate
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Science Engineering Fair of Houston (USTX05)
Project Title: Comparing the Effectiveness of Chamomile and Passionflower Herbal Tea in Inducing Sleep
Senya Walker, Grade: 8th
School: Union Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: University of Utah Science and Engineering Fair (USUT05)
Project Title: Impacts of Salinity on the Diameter of an Oil Spill
Eliana Wang, Grade: 8th
School: Takoma Park Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: ScienceMontgomery (USMD03)
Project Title: LED Colors and Optical Infiltration of Air-Gapped Computers
Kallie Wang (#), Grade: 8th
School: The Harker School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Synopsys Silicon Valley Science and Technology Championship Presented by the Santa Clara Valley Science and Engineering
Fair Association (USCA07)
Project Title: Change and Improvement of Antioxidant Levels in Different Fruits and Storage Environments
Matthew Wang, Grade: 7th
School: Andover West Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Massachusetts State Science & Engineering Fair (USMA50)
Project Title: Scalable Early Wildfire Detection and Alert System With IoT
Melody Wang, Grade: 7th
School: Challenger School – Ardenwood
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: The Synopsys Outreach Foundation Alameda County Science and Engineering Fair (USCA09)
Project Title: Mask Filtration Phenomena
Adonis M. Wazni, Grade: 8th
School: University School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Northeastern Ohio Science and Engineering Fair (USOH02)
Project Title: The Ways a Room Influences Safety Against SARS-CoV-2
Daphne Wen, Grade: 8th
School: Takoma Park Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: ScienceMontgomery (USMD03)
Project Title: LED Colors and Optical Infiltration of Air-Gapped Computers
Sam Wu, Grade: 8th
School: Talcott Mountain Academy
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Connecticut Science & Engineering Fair (USCT50)
Project Title: The RightSwitch: An Automatic Light Switch Sterilization Device
James Xiao, Grade: 8th
School: Marshall Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Pittsburgh Regional Science & Engineering Fair (USPA04)
Project Title: The Role of Gut Bacterial Metabolome in Colorectal Cancer (CRC)
Albert Xu, Grade: 6th
School: Challenger School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: University of Utah Science and Engineering Fair (USUT05)
Project Title: Water Purification With Different Sized Carbon Particles
Kayley Xu (#), Grade: 7th
School: The Bishop’s School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: California Science & Engineering Fair (USCA50)
Project Title: Using Machine Learning Algorithms To Predict Water Potability
Ethan Yan, Grade: 7th
School: Burlingame Intermediate School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: San Mateo County Office of Education STEM Fair (USCA16)
Project Title: Can “One Look” by Machine Detect Acute Leukemia? Classic and Novel Deep Learning-Based Detection Systems for Leukemia
Jieqin Lydia Yang, Grade: 8th
School: Harvest Christian Academy
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Guam Island-Wide Science Fair (TEGU01)
Project Title: The Effect of Image Stacking on Astrophotography of the Orion Nebula, Horse Head, and Belt Stars
Jillian Yao, Grade: 8th
School: Saint Ann School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Mercer Science and Engineering Fair
Project Title: Can Ferromagnetic Nanoparticles Help Clean Ocean Spills? The Effect of Ferrofluids and Magnetic Strength on Efficiency of Separating Oil from Water
Sara Yoshida, Grade: 8th
School: Juan Cabrillo Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: California Science & Engineering Fair (USCA50)
Project Title: EEVF: Energy Efficient Vertical Farming
Aaron Zacharia, Grade: 7th
School: Julia Landon College Preparatory and Leadership Development School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: State Science and Engineering Fair of Florida – Ying Scholars (USFL50)
Project Title: Mission Go Dark
Andrew Zhang, Grade: 7th
School: Iroquois Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Greater Capital Region Science and Engineering Fair, Inc. (USNY07)
Project Title: What is the Best Way To Optimize a Catapult?
Jessica Zhang, Grade: 7th
School: Rice Middle School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Beal Bank Dallas Regional Science and Engineering
Fair (USTX01)
Project Title: Is Biodegradable Plastic Actually Better for the Environment?
Yuxuan Zhang, Grade: 8th
School: Boston Latin School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Massachusetts Region VI Science Fair (USMA06)
Project Title: Lichens as Bioindicators of Air Quality
Michael Jiaqi Zhu, Grade: 8th
School: Birchwood School
Affiliate Fair Name and ID: Northeastern Ohio Science and Engineering Fair (USOH02)
Project Title: Biodegradable Plastics: An Experiment Conducted on Diverse Types of Biodegradable Plastics To Test Which Type Can Degrade the Quickest and Withstand the Most Tension
博通大师赛(Broadcom Master)是由美国科学与公众社团和Broadcom基金会联合创办、面向6-8年级美国学生的科学赛事。它还是再生元国际与工程大赛 ISEF的学生版。
和 ISEF一样,博通也无法直接参加,学生需要从地区赛中脱颖而出,才能拿到前往赛场的门票。
去年共有来自15个州、28所学校的1841名学生参赛,他们通过地区赛的层层挑战,闯进博通决赛的舞台。最高荣誉Rising Star Award的获得者将有机会参观 ISEF。
2月1日-6月15日 申请开放
9月7日 Top 300 MASTERS Announced
9月21日 入围名单公布
10月27日-11月2日 决赛周
10月29日 项目展示
Samueli 基金会奖、Lemelson 发明奖、Marconi/Samueli 创新奖、罗伯特伍德约翰逊基金会健康促进奖、DoD STEM 人才奖;
Rising Star Award:最高荣誉,获奖者将参加ISEF并代表美国参加 Broadcom MASTERS 国际项目之旅
博通大师赛鼓励学生们完成在传统实验室环境之外的研究,从生活中找到兴趣和灵感。和 ISEF类似,比起研究的复杂性,博通更注重创新性、社会价值、以及对学生科研兴趣的启蒙。